Juror’s Statement, Gwen Chanzit:
To serve as a juror is a responsibility I never take lightly. Difficult choices are required, always knowing that assessments are not quantifiable. The diverse and engaging work showcased here went through extreme vetting. Of hundreds of entries, only about fifty could be included.
What both delighted and challenged me was the high quality of art. That made the selecting difficult, and many fine works are not included. My goal was to identify works that show maturity of both artistic intent and execution. As a rule, I look for artists/works that push limits in terms of material and/or concept--work that is of high artistic merit in both technique and content.
Congratulations to the artists showcased here. I’m honored to be given the opportunity to highlight your work.
To all, I hope you enjoy the accomplishments of these talented artists.
Gwen Chanzit, Ph.D.
Curator Emerita, Denver Art Museum
Professor Emerita, School of Art and Art History, University of Denver